Our contract builders are only a couple of clicks away

What you get, for only $499 + GST per month (for 5 individual users)

High quality contract builders designed for the public sector by experienced lawyers with decades of experience, that can save you substantial amounts of time and money and result in faster execution

Master Services Agreement that can be used in general commercial and ICT-related contexts, for either a single provider or a panel supply situation, and with a range of SOW templates (project, agile, support, research)

Government Model Contract for Services or Goods and Services, with a range of optional amendments to Schedule 2, optional supplementary clauses, and the ability to allow the GMC to operate as an MSA 

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement to protect the confidentiality of information that two parties exchange for a designated purpose

Inter-agency MOU to set out the arrangements between two agencies that are involved in the provision of services (one way or two way) or collaborating on a project

Information Sharing MOU designed to regulate the sharing of personal information, including controls around how the information is to be shared and used

Data Sharing MOU for situations where one agency wishes to share apparently non-personal data with another agency but where there are potential risks (e.g., as to re-identification) or sensitivities that need to be addressed

Letter of variation to amend an existing agreement, accommodating variations that are set out in the letter of variation itself, and variations that take the form of an amended agreement that is attached to the letter of variation

Website terms of use designed for government agency websites, which accommodates informational websites as well as interactive websites with login requirements and/or the ability for users to submit content for publication

Privacy statement that covers off Privacy Act requirements, Government Web Usability Standard requirements, and easily enables transparency about the use of third party services like Google Analytics, Hotjar, and many more

With more contract builders expected to be added in the future

You can also ask us to add clauses to the templates and you can suggest additional templates for our consideration. 

Zero risk to you

If you subscribe to the contract builders and genuinely believe they don’t add value, you can call on our no risk 30-day money back guarantee

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  • Today's payment
  • Monthly subscription to Contract Foundry's Contract Builders - Agency/firm access$499
  • Future payments
  • $499

All prices in NZD

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